I've been doing really well, I got my PICC line out, I've been motivated to get a part time job (haven't yet) and to sew. I've been looking at the possibility of moving out of my parents house again, and then I go and messed everything up.
One friggin pill... I miscounted my medications and didn't realize until after about an hour and a half of crying for no reason that that is the reason I've been so messed up the last couple days.
My brain has been doing weird skipping things, I've been excessively irritable and hateful, super negative about every little thing and feel like I deserve absolutely nothing in my life. The nightmares, tummy aches, uncontrollable rage hell even Saby could tell something was wrong with me just via text.
Luckily I had switched types of medications not to long ago, so I had some old medication left over. From what I've read, this stuff is still in my system and I should be back to decently normal by tomorrow morning. Monday I'll get my prescription from the pharmacy.
I don't like the idea that my life is being controlled by medication and that it will always be that way. Stupid diseases.
In conclusion, it's probably best that no one talks to me until tomorrow sometime.
It happens to everyone and you shouldn't feel bad. I totally missed the count too and feel like I failed you. Bottom line, tomorrow is another day and you will feel better. I love you and I'm here to hold your hand through this. <3 I don't have an account so I posted as anonymous.