I haven't updated about my medical situation in a while, I guess I've been very afraid of jinxing it, as silly as that sounds.
I have been off of IV antibiotics since August, believe it or not. My body was no longer processing the antibiotics correctly and had also built an insane resistance to them. As soon as Dr. G took me off of them, I started to feel much better very quickly. It was great! I got the energy to actually sew things, I traveled to Seattle and attended PAX prime with my brother, his fiancee and my friend Josie. That trip was very difficult and I was in a bunch of pain but it was worth it.
In October I had my appointment in San Francisco with Dr. H. He said that there was a sparkle in my eyes that he has never seen before. Do you know what was cool? On my symptom check list sheet, I was able to check that I had improved in basically EVERYTHING. I almost took a picture of my symptom check list I was so happy with it, but then, ya know, there's things on there that I don't want the general public to see. That appointment Dr. H told me that I could take my PICC out in 6 weeks. I started an amylose free diet to help with a build up of neurotoxins; recent blood tests have shown that my neurotoxins are tripled the amount of 'normal'. He also recommended that we did a ERMI Mold Test at home because I had some abnormally high mold factors in my blood work as well. Luckily, our mold test actually came back with less mold than average house holds. The bad thing is that that means that I am overly sensitives to molds.
Shortly after the appointment, the skin around my PICC line started to blister, tear, and become very weak. It got very bad very quickly and I ended up having to get my PICC pulled before Halloween which was AMAZING because I got to go to Scarowinds (roller coasters and haunted houses) that I typically go to every year but had to miss last year, and was pretty positive I was going to miss this year. My PICC, as of current, has been out for three weeks. It's awesome showering like a normal person, I love it. Unfortunately though, the insertion site has yet to heal, it looks the exact same as it did the day that I had it removed. It's gross. And embarrassing. I hate it.
Today I had my phone appointment with Dr. G. So far so good, sort of. He feels I'm still doing good without the IV antibiotics, but he feels that it's coming back very slowly, so we are going to start hitting it again. "It's" coming back means that babesia, not so much the Lyme, is showing back up. He determined that when because my body is weak it's not producing antibodies STILL, and also that my body can only tolerate antibiotics in very short bursts of time. I am starting with two new oral antibiotics, and stopping Minocycline since I've been on it forever. I'm also being put on a blood thinner (does Lymie out there have experience with being on blood thinners? I've never been, so this is my first time.) Also a whole bunch of supplements. So far no new PICC line, which is great.
I was pretty sure I was going to have to get a line put back in, so I'm really relieved that I don't have to. This isn't that big of a win either, but instead of an appointment every 4 weeks, he's moved it to every 6 weeks! YAY!
High fives to good news! So, so happy for you. xo!