I don't think it's realized where I'd be right now if I hadn't started to see my LLMD. I have said several times before that last year around April I had issues walking and talking. I literally couldn't walk. I don't think this comment has been taken seriously and is fully understood. Last April I was living in California, and mom, dad and Tommy had no idea how bad I was because I hid it from them as much as I could. I didn't want mom to panic; she was all the way across the country. Mom had no idea how I was until she got off the plane for my birthday in June, and I was so bad off mom basically moved in with me until I had to move back to NC in September. My job was threatened because I could no longer walk properly and that is something I've not told many people.
I've been to several doctors since 1997 and the first several opinions I got was that I was faking my illnesses to get attention. Then I was told that nothing was found wrong with me even after test after test. My old family practice doctor was the first doctor I went to where they actually realized (through a blood test) what was wrong with me and tried to treat it.
What is so confusing to people is that "Lyme doesn't exist here" and therefore doctors do not pay attention to how to treat this disease and coinfections. Therefore the treatment I received from that family doctor was very subpar and didn't help me at all.
The doctor I have now, my LLMD is the 6th doctor I've gone to, and his is the most helpful and life saving for me. It's been one year of treatment and I'm proud to say I'm walking (without much of a limp), and I, most days, can talk without a problem. Yes, I have been improving, but like many other illnesses, this isn't a magic cure. It will take me a long and hard fight to get close to 100%.
Those who've asked why I haven't gotten the second opinion needs to understand that I have, and the doctor I'm seeing now has saved my life, literally and I completely trust him with my life. You also need to understand that doctors who do treat Lyme like this completely risk their whole lives to try and help people like me. They are all in danger of losing their licenses because of a controversy that is beside Lyme. (I've asked continuously to PLEASE watch 'Under Our Skin' on Netflix to understand why this is.
I'm always open to questions. Please, don't go behind my back and talk amongst yourselves to figure out why I'm doing treatment the way I am. Ask me. I love educating and I love answering questions, so please do, and please don't assume the worse.
I plan on writing an in depth article about issues closely related to this in the future, this is just my own personal plea.
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