Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Scoliosis and Lyme

For the last several years I've been having issues with my back.  My upper neck and between my shoulders constantly hurts, and when I move my neck there is a bunch of crunching and crackling noises.  I finally went to the doctor today about it.

It turns out that I have a very mild case of scoliosis.  Not the type that my back is curved, but it is actually twisted at the top of my neck.  I'm starting physical therapy soon for it, but of course, it has me thinking a lot.  Is there a connection between Lyme Disease and scoliosis?  Of course there is a possibility that it has absolutely no connection at all with Lyme Disease, but I have this gut feeling that someway, somehow there is a connection in my case.

Recently the study came out that Lyme is the only living organism that lives off manganese rather than iron.  In order for the bacterium to survive in our bodies it consumes manganese.  So, what are consequences of having a low level of manganese in the body?  Here's the list:

  • Infertility
  • Impaired glucose metabolism
  • Diseases of the skeletal structure, and impaired growth
  • Pancreatic dysfunction
  • Elevated blood pressure
  • Atherosclerosis
  • Reduced protein metabolism
  • Reduced immune function
  • Ataxia
  • Selenium deficiency
  • Depressed activity of mammary glands in nursing mothers
  • Mitochondrial abnormalities
Basically, I already have a good majority of these symptoms, and so many fellow Lyme Disease patients share these same problems already.  It is not coincidental that so many of these symptoms parallel Lyme & Co-Infections.

Anyways, scoliosis can be caused by nutritional imbalances; such as a lack of manganese.

In conclusion, I am not a doctor, the most medical training I've had is through mortuary college, but I highly believe the evidence is monumental that Lyme Disease can cause scoliosis and other injuries and deformities with bones.  I do NOT believe that everyone with back problems have Lyme Disease though, just wanted to throw that one out there.

Also, another point my doctor made was that having so much pain which is caused by Lyme, your body will contort unconsciously to help cover the pain, which can cause deformities in the spine, and pain.

I'm going to continue doing research.  Of course none of this may not make sense to anyone because I have Lyme brain, but hey, it all makes sense in my head. 


  1. I have lyme and scoliosis too.

  2. I also have Lyme and Scoli. There was a thread started in one of the online FB groups about this and it was amazing how many people with Lyme had Scoliosis, or their children did. Thanks for writing this!

    1. It's really weird, before I wrote this I searched the Internet up and down for information connecting to two, but found very little information. I posted in a FB group about it, and like you said SOOOOO many people are effected by both, and the exact same type of back issues/disc problems, etc.

  3. I too have Lyme and Scoliosis - I noticed lower back pain only months after I became ill. The pain has gotten worse 3.5 years later.
    What is the FB page mentioned above that talks about Lyme & Scoliosis?
    And are there any other useful links on this subject?

  4. I had lyme disease undiagnosed during both pregnancies. Both my kids have some lyme type symptoms, my daughter has severe scoliosis and has had fatigue and anxiety issues most of her life. She starting getting a curve when she hit puberty. It is severe. My son has some curve in upper back/neck, and lots of back pain. He is 16 and growing a lot. I had lots of back problems, requiring surgery in 2006.

  5. I had undiagnosed lyme through both pregnancies. Both my kids had some lyme symptoms, daughter at puberty developed severe scoliosis, has had anxiety disorder her whole life, and some issues with depression, energy. She is 18 now. My son is 16 and has been experiencing serious neck and back pain lately and has some curvature cervical lumbar area. He has had problems with processing information and retaining information. Auditory processing type of condition.

  6. Son has scoliosis and scheuermann's disease (hunchback). We both have Lyme. He was born with it. I have mild scoliosis.
